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Meet the ADMIN and Moderating Team
ADMIN and Moderators

Meet our wonderful team! Our preemie support group is moderated daily.If you have any questions or need any assistance with any of the forums or their features someone is always there to lend a helping hand.You can email or send a personal message to any of the ADMIN or moderating team who are:

ADMIN--Kimberley aka countrygal

Admin Assistant--Kris

Super Moderator--AngelaW

Super Moderator--Kristen

Super Moderator--Emmas_mommy

Moderator---Ian's mommy


Please read meet the team to get to know each of them better

About Our Support Forum

Registration is required to become a member of Premature Baby Premature Child but its  quick and easy--just a simple email validation.

Register here


Meet Our Team

My name is Kimberley,ADMIN and owner of this website.I am also the mommy to Angel.She was born at 25 weeks weighing 1 pound 11.3 ounces and 12  1/4 inches long.
We spent from June 7th till August 25th in the NICU with lots of problems.
1)Respiratory distress syndrome--required surfacant replacement therapy
4)Apnea of prematurity
5)Patent ductus arteriosis--closed with Indomethacin therapy
6)Physiologic jaundice
7)Hypoperfusion--needed volume expansion and placed on Dopamine therapy
8)Sepsis---intravenous Ampicillin and Gentamycin
9)Staph infection--intravenous Vancomycin and 5 days of rifampin therapy.
10)On vent and c-pap
11)post grade 1 intracranial hemorrhage which self resolved
12)Thrombocytopenia---associated with Staph infection
13)ROP--zone 11 stage 111
14)Chronic pulmonary disease
15)Feeding difficulties--stomach distension--poor suck and swallow--difficulties tolerating feeds
Angel was fed for 3  1/2 years with a medicine dropper/syringe.
She is now 4 1/2 years old and her current issues are sensory integration,asthma,constipation,developmental delays and reflux.
She started preschool this year and shes doing awesome so far.
She's a full of life,happy and very energetic little girl who always has the biggest smile on her face! 
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I'm Kristen and moderator of the Links Library. During the last 21 months of my preemie parenthood tenure, one of the biggest lessons I've learned is that information on preemie issues is not that forthcoming from professionals, and just plain absent from my circle of family and friends. This is what motivated me to create the library for all to share information. It has links for topics that range from diagnoses to developmental activiites and play. The information contained there is bound only by the experience and knowledge base of our ever expanding membership! It's a great tool to keep your own research organized as well as making it available to the "family".

Countrygal has detailed all the other great features about this site (above), but I wanted to highlight the feature I find to be the best of them all, one that is much more elusive. That is:

When I first met countrygal I was desperately looking for help for my 28 weekers feeding difficulties. Not only did I not receive it from doctors and family, but instead I got reactions that would point blame in my direction. Of course, only making a stressful situation more troubling. Finding someone that was experiencing the same type of frustrations and concerns, was comforting. Learning about new techniques, and making progess was priceless!

Since you are here I probably don't need to go on about how difficult it is to find "professionals" that actually acknowledge and respond to preemie unique issues. Maintaining your sanity while struggling with them is hard to say the least. What's even harder is learning that friends and family understand even less. Not that they are bad people, it's that they just don't get it.

Well, here not only will you find support and understanding to the Nth degree, but the experience and knowledge that you will find with this group provides enough information and encouragement to meet your little miricle's needs! Whether it be dealing with reflux, therapists, delays, juggling appointments, or recovering from the emotional wounds - there are members that have been there, understand and will help!

So, Welcome! I can't wait to hear all about your miracle!


Hello everyone. My name is Renee and I go by emmas_mommy on the forum...well, because I am. :lol: I came upon the forum when it was just beginning and have never left. I am the moderator of the bragging forum where you can feel free to share your little ones(') special crowning achievements. Be it walking, rolling over, or just plain taking a bottle. To a Preemie Mom - no milestone is overlooked.

The women here have helped me feel at home. I thought I would never find a place that would answer my questions and not feel as though I didn't belong. You see, even though my sweet Emma was born at 33 weeks, I did not have some of the same issues the other preemies faced. Yes she was in the NICU and yes she had some slight breathing issues but I felt at first that I was intruding on a sacred sisterhood. But Kim, Tamara, Kris and the rest of the ladies showed me that a preemie is a preemie is a preemie.

I find alot of people on here are helpful and there are also what we call "lurkers". they are people who are still trying to fell at home and read our posts. I hope they find comfort in what we say and how it is presented. For the most part, this forum has given me a leg up on Emma's preemie developments and what to expect at certain ages. I am confident that others like yourself with also feel the same. Prematurity is not a life sentence.... it is a wake up call to all that is beautiful.

Welcome all new members! My name is Angela (aka AngelaW) and I moderate the Preemie Group Forum and the Off Topic Forum. I frequented our 'old' forum which I found 2 days after Jack was born and the doctors were giving us no hope. I found so much inspiration and support I knew I found a very special place.

I wanted to quote something I saw on the March of Dimes website written by Michelle Reeves. I found it to be VERY true of our community and wanted to share it with all of you.

There are so many extremes in our community...there is someone that gave birth to the smallest baby, there is someone that gave birth to the sickest baby, there is someone that gave birth to the largest baby, there is someone that gave birth to a baby that didn't make it. We run the gamut with our stories, but the thing that I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt is that EVERYONE here belongs to our community. It does NOT matter...
if your baby weighed 10 oz. or 10 pounds,
if you are a mom in your teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, even 50s,
if you are a mom, dad, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, sibling, friend,
if your baby spent 1 day in the NICU or 1 year
If YOU left your baby in the NICU under the care of the staff there, YOU ARE ONE OF US!!!!!

I have met some very special people through this forum. Some of which I consider among my closest friends. We are here to support one another and I could not have made it through without everyone from this forum!

Welcome to our family :wub:
WELCOME to all of our new members and guests! My name is Kris and my daughter Alicia was born at 25 weeks. I'm a Moderator for the 'Preemie Support Group', The 'Share Your Story/Introduction Forum', and the 'Let's Talk About It Forum'.

When Alicia came into the world early, I had no one to relate to. No one could understand my fears, anxieties, or frustrations. As well-meaning as family members and close friends were, they just could not grasp the full meaning of what it's like to give birth to a child too soon. I was alone with the pit in my stomach, the worries, and fear of the future.....

That all changed when I found this community! I could finally talk to people without having to explain the medical terminology, and without having to fear that my thoughts and feelings were absurd! Everyone reached out to me during the scariest times of my life, and I don't know what I would do without my forum family.

I hope that by becoming a member of our group, you will take advantage of all the information and support that we have to offer. This community is different from other on-line communities. Here, members go above and beyond to reach out to each other so that no one feels alone. It is here where you can ask questions and never worry that someone will think you're 'just being paranoid'. Everyone is warm and friendly. So please don't hesitate to join us. I think you'll be very pleased when you feel that sense of 'belonging'.
Hello and Welcome! I am Jennifer aka bigmomma1977. I am the moderator for the preemie picture album and the preemie related chats. If you have an idea or suggestion for a chat topic feel free to pm me, I also have the password for the photo album. I have three beautiful little children, one of who was blessed enough to be a preemie. Born at 31 weeks and spending 8 weeks on the NICU rollercoaster, my son Kaden has brought new joy and special meaning to motherhood for me.

I found this forum while I was searching for someone, ANYONE who understood what I was dealing with. These moms and dads have become a second family to me, and I know that my days wouldn't be the same without "hearing" from them all. I am so glad that you found our wonderful family, and hope that you will enjoy our special bond as much as I do!
Hello, and welcome new members!! My name is Brianne, (or Brie), I am a Moderator of Journal Entries and Milestones Forums. I have a 21 month old preemie son, Ian. Ian was born 8 weeks early, (32 weeks gest.). I wish I would've found this forum when he was born so I could've had friends that could relate to what I was going through and vice versa. I had no help when Ian was born , (except on DH's day off from work), and no one to talk to regarding prematurity. Sometimes pediatrician's don't always answer your questions or put your mind at ease when you have fears or concerns and I really needed support. I found an ad for this forum in my local newspaper and with everything going on it slipped my mind to check it out until one day I found the article again and signed up and I haven't stopped coming in here since!!
This is my "second family". Everyone here is friendly, knowledgeable and supportive. I joined this wonderful forum in December 04' and I was welcomed by all immediately. I'm a new mom and learn new things daily!! I know you'll love it here as does every member.
If you need any help in either of the forums or with anything please feel free to ask me : )

Again, welcome and I can't wait to hear more about you and your family!!

Best Regards,
Brianne biggrin.gif wink.gif cool.gif

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